Monday, October 20, 2014

The Quest for World Cup Gold

As you know, Budweiser has been an often discussed topic within this blog. As far as changing can designs for special occasions, Budweiser seems to be the Oregon Football of beers. Just like the Ducks on the field, the ever changing can designs seem to have translated into more publicity and more money for Budweiser. Another example of this comes in the form of the company's World Cup cans that were released over the summer.

While Budweiser is typically more of a domestic brand and seems to focus marketing on sales within the United States, the World Cup presented a great opportunity to expand that focus and bring in some sales from foreign markets. The primary tool used in this process was a special edition can that was completely gold and had a shiny picture of the World Cup trophy on it. Saying the cans stood out would be an understatement. They looked like something designed by King Midas.

On the social media front, Budweiser used TV and billboard advertisements that encouraged people to look online or follow them on Twitter. When photos of the cans were first posted on Facebook, the received huge amounts of interest with people clamoring to figure out when and where they would be available. By emphasizing the rarity of the cans, Budweiser was able to make their beer seem much more valuable. Just by comparing likes on Facebook and favorites on Twitter, it is very apparent that the World Cup cans drove huge volumes of traffic through Budweiser's social media sites and really helped to build interest in new markets.

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